Monday, October 27, 2014

Do You Pass By Opportunities Because...

It's Too Good To Be True... I was listening to a training the other day and this was one of the questions.  I thought about it, because it is something that I have said and I have certainly heard.  Is it a valid question?  Are there opportunities...

Do You Pass By Opportunities Because...

It's Too Good To Be True... I was listening to a training the other day and this was one of the questions.  I thought about it, because it is something that I have said and I have certainly heard.  Is it a valid question?  Are there opportunities...

Thursday, October 23, 2014

Gain New Business Leads Online With a Human Touch

YOU, The Human, Behind the Business Draws New Business Leads Magnetic Marketing is not solely an Internet Marketing strategy. New Business Leads come to back to a human touch and th...

Engagement Equals New Leads for YOUR Business

Social Media Engagement Can Build Rapport/Relationship and Lead to New Business Leads! Every social media platform: Facebook, Google+, YouTube, Instagram, Pinterest, Twitter all offer the ...

Research is Critical When Generating New Business Leads ONLINE

Research Is Key In Generating New Business Leads ONLINE Developing a powerful online marketing strategy takes planning and research.... New Business Leads for your business can come from your online mark...

Does YOUR Web Presence Generate New Business Leads?

YOUR Web Presence Should BE Generating New Business Leads So you have a website and blog; it's branding you, but it isn't building your business. Magnetic Marketing is an inbound marketing strategy.

New Business Leads for YOUR Business

Does YOUR Business Have All Of The New Business Leads It Needs? Learning HOW to generate new business leads on the Internet can increase your business results significa...

Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Calling All Entrepreneurs, Network Marketers, Small Business Owners!!

If YOUR Business NEEDS New Business Leads DO NOT Miss This!! Wednesday Webinar Click To RegisterTonight -- at 9 PM I will attending a training with MLSP -- it is designed for people that want to master using the Internet for building their business...

Monday, October 20, 2014

Customer Relationship Manager -- Software Launch for MLSP

My Lead System Pro is gearing up to reveal its latest innovation for marketers and network marketers -- that will give people tools for branding and customizing their business -- in such an incredible way that they will be light years ahead of their ...

Friday, October 17, 2014

Instagram Leads?

Instagram for Business Leads -- Really? I have to admit --- I never really looked at Instagram.  I felt that I had the right social media platforms working for my business, connected to my business and was thriving with them... You know the ones --...

Thursday, October 16, 2014

Reviews On Your Site Increase Conversions

Customer Reviews Are GOOD For YOU!! Do you include product or service reviews right on your website? Are you coordinating the customer reviews right on your site or are you importing them from another site? Believe it or not -- reviews -- good...

Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Think and Grow Rich

The Napoleon Hill System For Wealth Beyond Your Wildest Dreams Everyone tells you to read Think And Grow Rich and most newbie entrepreneurs take a whack at it but how many people REALLY dissect that book and truly understand what good Ol Nappy Hill ...

Monday, October 6, 2014

Email Marketing -- Is It for YOU? Provider Reviews

[caption id="attachment_1397" align="alignleft" width="300"] Email Marketing -- A MUST strategy for both ONLINE and OFFLINE Businesses![/caption] Is email marketing for you? IF SO -- Which Email Marketing Provider is RIGHT for YOU? I was recently ...

Friday, October 3, 2014

Lead Generation System

Does YOUR Business Need MORE? Most business owners are struggling Leads are the growth juice for business.  But I also want you to look at the video... it is the beginning of new learning on video ma...

Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Live the Dream V Review

[caption id="attachment_1382" align="alignleft" width="300"] Me with April Marie Tucker at Live the Dream V talking lead generation, business growth, building the dream![/caption] Lessons Learned from Live the Dream V Just returned from Austin, Tex...