Friday, May 15, 2015

Happy Friday! New Marketing Videos For YOU! . I don’t know if you have had a chance to check out the new marketing center that I just launched!! I am still tweaking a few things. So bear with me. And now we are totally revamping Compass Rose Consulting site as well. It is all exciting! Anyway — over at Compass Rose Marketing Center ... Donna Lynn Price

New Business Leads(1)I don't know if you have had a chance to check out the new marketing center that I just launched!! I am still tweaking a few things. So bear with me. And now we are totally revamping Compass Rose Consulting site as well. It is all exciting! Anyway -- over at Compass Rose Marketing Center -- I have a series of 3 GREAT videos for you!! -- scroll down just a bit and sign up for the videos. They can totally CHANGE your business and INCREASE your income. Next week on Tuesday I will be hosting a hangout -- "Everything You Learned About Generating Leads is WRONG!!" Watch for my invite email. I didn't have a chance to get it done-- the registration page -- that is. So will finish it over the weekend and send it out to you. I know -- it is a BOLD statement. But, being an entrepreneur is BOLD and I have some incredible things to show to you. Save the date and time -- Tuesday at noon EST. It's bike to work month. Since I primarily work from home I had to get creative. So I have a couple of times, driven the kids to school and then biked home, and then back to school in the afternoon to grab them. Today, I had a meeting and biked to the meeting. Great client that was totally okay with a biking marketing consultant arriving for the meeting!! Thank YOU. So, be sure to figure out one day this month that you can bike to work or to home or to the grocery store. Biking is a great exercise but it is also where I have some of my best ideas! Remember to pick up the videos: Visit: -- scroll down just a bit to sign up for 4 videos -- all about YOUR marketing strategies. Then -- sign up to meet with me for YOUR 45 Minute Business Turnaround. I am doing these 45 minute turnarounds and finding people $10,000 in their business (minimally), in fact last week I found over $60,000 for a local business owner. To sign up for your business turnaround -- visit: Last week's webinar is available here: I look forward to talking with you soon. To Your Success! All the best, Donna Donna Price Business Success Coach p.s. I also have a new book in the works!! coming in just a month... watch for it. It is all about marketing, lead generation, making more money and other strategies for improving your business.

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