Thursday, October 1, 2015

Creating Your Web Based Lead System

A Web Based Marketing System MUST Include Email and Lead Capture!!
email marketing system

A website only works as a lead generation tactic if it is designed that way. You can promote and market and spend thousands but if your website is not set up correctly, all of that effort is a waste of both time and money.

Websites, most often are online brochures and resumes.  They give overview information about the person, business or service and then say “call me”.  BUT, most people are not in the call me mode or at the BUY NOW point. They are online researching, investigating, gathering information mode.  This is where YOU need to have a strategy.  How do you capture this information?

How do you continue marketing to them, building rapport and establishing YOURSELF as the GO TO person in your field?

Accomplishing all of this is totally possible and actually can be done quite easily and for little cost.

Join me to learn the strategies that you need to know!

How to Make Your Website Work For YOU!

Thursday October 1st: 9:30 AM EST

The post Creating Your Web Based Lead System appeared first on Compass Rose Consulting.

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