Sunday, December 13, 2015

CRC Online Monitor . Do You Know HOW You Are Standing Up ONLINE? How you appear online matters. When you are missing pieces, or your reviews are bad, or your website isn’t mobile friendly, or you don’t have good social presence and engagement, IT MATTERS!! There are several key components to stay on top of:... Donna Lynn Price

Do You Know HOW You Are Standing Up ONLINE?


How you appear online matters. When you are missing pieces, or your reviews are bad, or your website isn't mobile friendly, or you don't have good social presence and engagement, IT MATTERS!!

There are several key components to stay on top of:  

Your Local Directory Listings

When we pull a snap shot report, it is looking at YOUR Company across the Internet.  It is comparing the information that is found in different directories to what is correct and identifying what is right and what is wrong. Having inaccurate information about your company or unclaimed listings about your company sitting out on the web hurts you. It hurts your web presence and it hurts the trust that you are trying to build with your potential customers. Listing accuracy is vital.  AND -- even more important is that you claim each listing and control what is out there. When you fail to claim a listing and the directory creates one for you, then the INTERNET is deciding what is relevant instead of you  Be Social
Social is more and more important. You know that people buy from people that they know -- like -- and trust!  You can build all of that on social sites.  They should not be ignored.
Your social presence tells people about YOU.  Your social engagement online affects your web rankings, your search rankings and your online presence. It cannot be ignored.  It is an important piece of your marketing puzzle. Location! Location! Location! You know that when you started your business - everyone told you LOCATION!!  It's critical. And on the web it is essential that you have a location based website.  Can your prospects find you and can they do it on mobile? Many, many websites are not truly mobile responsive.  That means that you can click a call button, your site resizes for different size devices and it provides the essential information for your customer -- your location and hours. You NEED, no you MUST HAVE a optimized, mobile reponsive location based site. [wp_eStore_fancy_display id=5 type=1 style=5 show_price=$199 SetUp | $99 Per Month] [wp_eStore_fancy_display id=6 type=1 style=5 show_price=$599 SetUp | $299 Per Month] [wp_eStore_fancy_display id=7 type=1 style=5 show_price=$999 SetUp | $499 Per Month]

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