Monday, January 25, 2016

Marketing Bootcamp Accelerates Small Business Results . The Marketing Boot Camp is a pull on your work-boots type of event. Not for the entrepreneur that's just not sure if they are ready. We are going to dive into HOW to market, WHEN to market, WHY to market and then create strategies that will work for YOUR business. If you have been considering ... Donna Lynn Price

bootsThe Marketing Boot Camp is a pull on your work-boots type of event.

Not for the entrepreneur that's just not sure if they are ready. We are going to dive into HOW to market, WHEN to market, WHY to market and then create strategies that will work for YOUR business.

If you have been considering HOW to improve your business results -- then you need some marketing know how and help.

Marketing is the key.

BUT so many business owners fail at marketing because they just don't like doing it, they don't have time to do it, they don't want to it.... and the list goes on.

BUT, when you figure out the HOW and the WHEN and the WHY and the WHAT -- then you can put it into a system that can work for you -- every day!!!

Marketing has always been a puzzle but recently there have been a few more pieces added.  You can't just run an ad.... there needs to be a strong call to action, as part of your marketing strategy.  That call to action needs to lead people to you.  But not just to give you a call -- the call to action needs to be more compelling.

Here -- an example: Learn how to generate all the leads you can handle in 10 minutes per day --- pick up the free 2 page report and checklist to start generating leads NOW.

Would you consider going to the page to pick up that report?

Is it more compelling than -- call me for marketing help??

In the Marketing Boot Camp we are going to be putting together strategies just like that!!



Must HAVE!

And in boot camp you CAN wear your jeans and boots.

GO --->>>>> HERE for the FULL SCOOP!!

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