Wednesday, July 27, 2016

Online Reviews Must Be Legal . Avoiding Illegal And Unethical Customer Review Methods For Your Small Business. Just DON'T Do It! There are many ways to game the online customer review system on your website and review sites. While all these methods are unethical, not all of them are illegal but if discovered they could very... Donna Lynn Price

Avoiding Illegal And Unethical Customer Review Methods For Your Small Business.

Just DON'T Do It!

There are many ways to game the online customer review system on your website and review sites. While all these methods are unethical, not all of them are illegal but if discovered they could very well spell doom to your business reputation and success. Here are three methods that you want to avoid using to collect customer reviews:

1. Financial incentives

star1.5 (4)

Many underhanded marketers advice small business owners to use financial incentives to encourage clients to submit positive online reviews for them. These incentives may not involve giving hard cash, but instead involve giving away coupons, gift cards, complementary vouchers, discount offers and so on. While the practice may appear harmless to a business owner, it is actually bribing people to give a favorable opinion about your business which will be used by third parties to make a financial decision in doing business with you.

This has been one of the worst practices in the internet marketing field and has made the Federal Trade Commission crack down heavily on marketers who use false information to promote their business. To stay out of trouble, use your financial incentives for other marketing purposes that will build trust and honesty with your customers and then encourage them to leave online reviews out of their own free will.

2. False personas


Another underhand trick marketers use is to create false online identities to submit reviews. This is a difficult method for authorities to track since different IP addresses are used by each identity to submit the reviews. However in this day and age of technology and so much public interest in exposing unscrupulous businesses, it wouldn't take long for someone investigating your reviewers to wonder why the IP addresses of the submitters are from India, Philippines and Malaysia yet your client base is in Little Rock, Arkansas!

3. Submitting reviews yourself

This is often a sincere mistake most small business owners make. They get customer reviews in their store on their feedback form, manually submit each of them to a review site profile and think it's perfectly alright because they are from real customer. Unfortunately it's not possible to do this with review sites since each of your customers should submit their own review.

star5 (7)

If you have collected reviews on feedback forms, emails, videos and other methods, you can post them on your website but only if you have that express signed permission from your clients to do so. Otherwise you need to point your clients to review sites to submit their own reviews.

You want good reviews for your business -- for sure!  But not at the expense of your character and real world reputation!  It is just not worth it.

Learn some great strategies for getting positive reviews:


Tuesday, July 26, 2016

Did YOU Create Your Online Profile Or Did The Internet . Did you realize that if you have a business with information online, the INTERNET can create your online profile for you? Have you ever seen the result - “Is this YOUR business?”  Claim this listing! That is the INTERNET creating a profile for YOU! When you see that it means that ... Donna Lynn Price

Did you realize that if you have a business with information online, the INTERNET can create your online profile for you?

onlineHave you ever seen the result -- "Is this YOUR business?"  Claim this listing! That is the INTERNET creating a profile for YOU!

When you see that it means that the business has NOT created the profile or monitored it.

This can happen on Google, Facebook, Manta, Merchant Circle, Yelp, and hundreds of other sites.

That means that the Internet is curating information about your business based on WHAT it finds about your business or think it finds about your company.  So, if there is another company with the same name, the Internet is NOT totally sure which info is yours and which is theirs.

It is critical that YOU claim your listings and create your online profile!!

You need to control the information that is out online about your business as much as possible.  When you make sure that your listings are accurate then your business is more "findable" online. Be sure you are Creating YOUR Online Profile!

One of the new things that is happening is that reviews are appearing with listings and your listing on Google Maps! Yes, reviews on Google Maps!

So, now your information can be WRONG and reviews can appear with your wrong listing information.

The other thing that I have noticed is that when I look up a company, that has a unclaimed listing, there are often paid ads for competitor local businesses on YOUR listing.  When you claim your listing, you have more control over this happening.

Most Internet created listings also do not have good images if any.  You want to control the images -- your company logo, images of staff, locations, etc.  Again, the Internet is making decisions for you.  You take time in your business on all sorts of details, to make sure that everything is JUST RIGHT.  You need to take control of your online presence as well.

It goes so far beyond a website and Facebook business page.

The CRC ONLINE MONITOR -- creates a one stop shop dashboard for you to manage your profile and maintain your listings. Listing Sync -- helps you to sync your information across the Internet.

The important thing is that you take a look at what is going on with your business.

Run a "credit score" check on your business -- we call this your business score.


Pick up our Reputation Management Guide:

Did YOU Create Your Online Profile Or Did The Internet . Did you realize that if you have a business with information online, the INTERNET can create your profile for you? Have you ever seen the result - “Is this YOUR business?”  Claim this listing! When you see that it means that the business has NOT created the profile or monitored it... Donna Lynn Price

Did you realize that if you have a business with information online, the INTERNET can create your profile for you?

onlineHave you ever seen the result -- "Is this YOUR business?"  Claim this listing!

When you see that it means that the business has NOT created the profile or monitored it.

This can happen on Google, Facebook, Manta, Merchant Circle, Yelp, and hundreds of other sites.

That means that the Internet is curating information about your business based on WHAT it finds about your business or think it finds about your company.  So, if there is another company with the same name, the Internet is NOT totally sure which info is yours and which is theirs.

It is critical that YOU claim your listings and create your online profile!!

You need to control the information that is out online about your business as much as possible.  When you make sure that your listings are accurate then your business is more "findable" online.

One of the new things that is happening is that reviews are appearing with listings and your listing on Google Maps! Yes, reviews on Google Maps!

So, now your information can be WRONG and reviews can appear with your wrong listing information.

The other thing that I have noticed is that when I look up a company, that has a unclaimed listing, there are often paid ads for competitor local businesses on YOUR listing.  When you claim your listing, you have more control over this happening.

Most Internet created listings also do not have good images if any.  You want to control the images -- your company logo, images of staff, locations, etc.  Again, the Internet is making decisions for you.  You take time in your business on all sorts of details, to make sure that everything is JUST RIGHT.  You need to take control of your online presence as well.

It goes so far beyond a website and Facebook business page.

The CRC ONLINE MONITOR -- creates a one stop shop dashboard for you to manage your profile and maintain your listings. Listing Sync -- helps you to sync your information across the Internet.

The important thing is that you take a look at what is going on with your business.

Run a "credit score" check on your business -- we call this your business score.


Pick up our Reputation Management Guide:

Wednesday, July 20, 2016

Lead Automation: Putting A FLOW Together

Are You Using a Lead Automation System?? Every once in a while, I see a product that I decide to promote. I see thousands of products but most are not worth telling you about. But when I saw this one, I had to have it and then I decided that it was a great fit […]

The post Lead Automation: Putting A FLOW Together appeared first on CRC Online Media.

Lead Automation: Putting A FLOW Together . Are You Using a Lead Automation System?? Every once in a while, I see a product that I decide to promote. I see thousands of products but most are not worth telling you about. But when I saw this one, I had to have it and then I decided that it was a great fit for small businesses that are doing dig... Donna Lynn Price

magneticAre You Using a Lead Automation System??

Every once in a while, I see a product that I decide to promote. I see thousands of products but most are not worth telling you about.

But when I saw this one, I had to have it and then I decided that it was a great fit for small businesses that are doing digital marketing for their business.

This software will give you the ability to create work flows for your leads.  You really need to WATCH the demo video below to get the idea.  It is different from your CRM and not your auto responder.  IT integrates with both of those systems.  You still need them....

What I was impressed with was that it integrates with everything!!

You can create a flow that takes a lead into an email autoresponder, connects with your text messaging software -- then pushes a notice to you of action to follow up -- then connects them with your webinar-- you can tag that they are a lead from... facebook, twitter, linkedin..... and the possibilities are endless.  It organizes you and helps you to keep leads engaged and not falling through the cracks.

I have felt that way for years.  I have a great autoresponder, but there needs to be more.  And that's where I fall flat.  I fail to keep people engaged.  I have resources I could be using to follow up and a new lead comes in and I jump over to that lead or group of leads and then know what I mean.  It becomes overwhelming.

So take a look at the demo.  If it looks good.  Click on the banner above and pick it up.

If it looks too complicated -- CALL ME.  I will be setting mine up and as soon as I do that -- then I can help you get set up!!

AND check out the bonus package!  All worth it when you think of the time you will save, the money you will save and the potential income increase because you are not losing people.

Lead automation will change HOW you do business.  Because when you are able to automate important systems like a lead flow -- you see your business growing, your time growing and your revenue increasing.

Lead Automation: Putting A FLow Together . Are You Using a Lead Automation System?? Every once in a while, I see a product that I decide to promote. I see thousands of products but most are not worth telling you about. But when I saw this one, I had to have it and then I decided that it was a great fit for small businesses that are doing dig... Donna Lynn Price

magneticAre You Using a Lead Automation System??

Every once in a while, I see a product that I decide to promote. I see thousands of products but most are not worth telling you about.

But when I saw this one, I had to have it and then I decided that it was a great fit for small businesses that are doing digital marketing for their business.

This software will give you the ability to create work flows for your leads.  You really need to WATCH the demo video below to get the idea.  It is different from your CRM and not your auto responder.  IT integrates with both of those systems.  You still need them....

What I was impressed with was that it integrates with everything!!

You can create a flow that takes a lead into an email autoresponder, connects with your text messaging software -- then pushes a notice to you of action to follow up -- then connects them with your webinar-- you can tag that they are a lead from... facebook, twitter, linkedin..... and the possibilities are endless.  It organizes you and helps you to keep leads engaged and not falling through the cracks.

I have felt that way for years.  I have a great autoresponder, but there needs to be more.  And that's where I fall flat.  I fail to keep people engaged.  I have resources I could be using to follow up and a new lead comes in and I jump over to that lead or group of leads and then know what I mean.  It becomes overwhelming.

So take a look at the demo.  If it looks good.  Click on the banner above and pick it up.

If it looks too complicated -- CALL ME.  I will be setting mine up and as soon as I do that -- then I can help you get set up!!

AND check out the bonus package!  All worth it when you think of the time you will save, the money you will save and the potential income increase because you are not losing people.

Lead automation will change HOW you do business.  Because when you are able to automate important systems like a lead flow -- you see your business growing, your time growing and your revenue increasing.

Lead Flow Automation

Every once in a while, I see a product that I decide to promote. I see thousands of products but most are not worth telling you about. But when I saw this one, I had to have it and then I decided that it was a great fit for small businesses that are doing digital […]

The post Lead Flow Automation appeared first on CRC Online Media.

Lead Flow Automation . Every once in a while, I see a product that I decide to promote. I see thousands of products but most are not worth telling you about. But when I saw this one, I had to have it and then I decided that it was a great fit for small businesses that are doing digital marketing for their business. This ... Donna Lynn Price

Every once in a while, I see a product that I decide to promote. I see thousands of products but most are not worth telling you about.

But when I saw this one, I had to have it and then I decided that it was a great fit for small businesses that are doing digital marketing for their business.

This software will give you the ability to create work flows for your leads.  You really need to WATCH the demo video below to get the idea.

What I was impressed with was that it integrates with everything!!

You can create a flow that takes a lead into an email autoresponder, connects with your text messaging software -- then pushes a notice to you of action to follow up -- then connects them with your webinar-- you can tag that they are a lead from... facebook, twitter, linkedin..... and the possibilities are endless.  It organizes you and helps you to keep leads engaged and not falling through the cracks.

I have felt that way for years.  I have a great autoresponder, but there needs to be more.  And that's where I fall flat.  I fail to keep people engaged.  I have resources I could be using to follow up and a new lead comes in and I jump over to that lead or group of leads and then know what I mean.  It becomes overwhelming.

So take a look at the demo.  If it looks good.  Click on the banner above and pick it up.

If it looks too complicated -- CALL ME.  I will be setting mine up and as soon as I do that -- then I can help you get set up!!

AND check out the bonus package!  All worth it when you think of the time you will save, the money you will save and the potential income increase because you are not losing people.

Lead automation will change HOW you do business.  Because when you are able to automate important systems like a lead flow -- you see your business growing, your time growing and your revenue increasing.

Tuesday, July 19, 2016

Getting Customer Reviews

How To Get Audio/Video/Photo Customer Reviews For Your Small Business Customer reviews can be so helpful to a company.  Video and photo gives you an added advantage of add authenticity to the review as well as search engine ranking power. An often overlooked method of collecting online customer reviews is READ MORE....

The post Getting Customer Reviews appeared first on Compass Rose Consulting.

Thursday, July 7, 2016

Local Marketing Strategies for Your Offline Business . Local Marketing: Is Your Offline Business Online? Is It Online Well? Great info graphic on the advantages and benefits of bringing your offline business online. You probably recognize yourself in some of the statistics. Critical pieces for developing your local marketing online presence are: 1. Web... Donna Lynn Price

crconlinemonitor2Local Marketing: Is Your Offline Business Online? Is It Online Well?
offline businesses marketing online

Great info graphic on the advantages and benefits of bringing your offline business online. You probably recognize yourself in some of the statistics.

Critical pieces for developing your local marketing online presence are:

1. Web Presence and Blog.  At this point in the world of the Internet you must have a website.  We recommend a couple of different things.  One is a lead capture system using a squeeze page or landing page.  This enables you to capture the leads that are visiting your website.  You can see our lead capture in the upper right of this page.

But it is also vital to have a blog and be blogging regularly.  You can't just create a website and hope people find it.  You need to be continuously engaging and educating your audience.  In the graphic above you can see that sales increase when a business blogs. People want to get to know YOU and your company.  They can do that through a blog. AND you also build trust and rapport through the process. These both increase your sales in the long run.

2. Social Media -- 92% of all ONLINE adults use social media, but only 50% of small businesses are using social media to promote their business. Now these numbers aren't totally comparable.  BUT there is a very good chance that many of your customers and prospects are online and using social media.  If you are not there then you are losing business.  Social media is another venue for engagement, relationship building and another place to build yourself as an expert in your field.

If you are not currently on any social media then you need to seriously evaluate why.  If you just have your head in the sand hoping that it will all go away, then it is time to pull it out and figure out how to best represent your company on social media and use it effectively for increasing your business.

Is it possible that you are leaving thousands of dollars on the table because you don't like social media or you are afraid of it or you have another excuse to avoid being on....?

3. Local Search SEO -- Using Local Listing Sites for More Exposure

Many local business owners are challenged in the same ways:  they create a website and their social media presence but they DO NOT succeed in leveraging them to attract new customers.

New foot traffic is the goal and the key is using local directory listings, but is often forgotten or missed in creating an effective online strategy.

The World Wide Web is like a HUGE phone book or yellow page directory. You have to stand out to be noticed.

Local listings are worth the investment of time or money (to hire out). The benefit far exceeds the investment. it means taking the time to fill out forms on different local listing sites. A few of the local listing sites are part of the social media sites you are probably already on, which makes it easier to complete.

Two of the really popular sites are offered by Google. This search engine is in charge of Google+ Businesses / Google+ Local. Other popular local listing sites include CitySearch, Bing Local and Yahoo Local Listings.

Yelp is also another site that you want to claim your profile on. This not only helps you attract web attention, but it provides a place for local customers to review your business. So it's an effective way to convert potential customers into paying customers.

Be sure to completely fill out the profiles and provide as much information as possible about your company. Include things like: your office hours or business hours, phone number, contact info and website, as well as your other social media sites.  If you use a different URL for your mobile site, be sure that that is included too.

Completing a profile on these sites only solidifies your online presence and aids potential customers in finding during their business search.

Often the local listings that are found by web searches are perceived as more authentic and real than the typical web search results.  This is because here, they can access maps, customer reviews, videos, images and address verification to ensure authenticity.

Keeping this in mind, and actually taking the time to complete your local profiles can increase the business coming into you.

Comprehensive Local Marketing Strategy

A comprehensive local marketing strategy is needed for both online and offline businesses.  The Internet is a resource that is critical for both.  Increasing your online presence in ways that truly benefit your business just makes sense. Critical pieces of your marketing plan should include minimally -- a website and blog (can be one in the same), consistent social media presence, local listings, mobile friendly website, keyword optimization and SEO.  Don't be left behind. There are more customers out there for you!!

Pick up a copy of my Local Marketing Report!

Do Local Directories Matter? . YES!  You WANT To Be In Local Directories!! Local directories are an important piece of the marketing puzzle.  You want to be sure that your company is listed correctly across the web. You can easily check your local score on our complimentary service: In our customized rep... Donna Lynn Price

C Users Donna Desktop InfographicYES!  You WANT To Be In Local Directories!!

Local directories are an important piece of the marketing puzzle.  You want to be sure that your company is listed correctly across the web.

You can easily check your local score on our complimentary service:

In our customized report you will see several things.  One piece are the online directories and social media sites that you need to have a presence on.  The software will generate a score for HOW you are showing up!  The score reflects the industry averages and what we are seeing for YOUR business.

In addition, we will check what reviews are out there about your company.

Did you know that there are directories that are creating profiles for you and you need to claim them!

10 Facts You Never Knew about Local Directories:

·       Searches within local directories account for a whopping 10 billion of the searches that are made every month. (

·       At the end of 2014, YouTube overtook Facebook as the largest social networking site, with 165 million active users. At the same time, Facebook dropped to approximately 160 million active users. (CompetePRO)

·       At the end of 2014, Google+ Business had 540 million active users. (

·       Customers are 31% times more like to use a business with “excellent” online reviews. (

·       In 2015, 88% of users say that they treat positive reviews just as they would getting a personal recommendation from a friend or family member. That's up from 79% in 2014. (

·       Yelp currently has over 90 million local reviews. (

·       Despite that, there are still 87 per cent of small businesses that don't use review sites such as Google+ Business or Yelp. (

·       When online consumers shop online, 73 per cent of the time they were also searching for a store location. (

·       Half of the users looking for an online purchase do not start their search with a search engine, but rather through a local directory. (AT&T Small Business Technology Poll 2013 –

·       50 per cent of customers who look for a local business through their smartphone call or visit that business within 24 hours. (

Pick up our Reputation Management Guide:


Wednesday, July 6, 2016

Do Local Directories Matter?

YES!  You WANT To Be In Local Directories!! Local directories are an important piece of the marketing puzzle.  You want to be sure that your company is listed correctly across the web. You can easily check your local score on our complimentary service: In our customized report you will see several things.  One piece […]

The post Do Local Directories Matter? appeared first on CRC Online Media.

Do Local Directories Matter? . YES!  You WANT To Be In Local Directories!! Local directories are an important piece of the marketing puzzle.  You want to be sure that your company is listed correctly across the web. You can easily check your local score on our complimentary service: In our customized rep... Donna Lynn Price

C Users Donna Desktop InfographicYES!  You WANT To Be In Local Directories!!

Local directories are an important piece of the marketing puzzle.  You want to be sure that your company is listed correctly across the web.

You can easily check your local score on our complimentary service:

In our customized report you will see several things.  One piece are the online directories and social media sites that you need to have a presence on.  The software will generate a score for HOW you are showing up!  The score reflects the industry averages and what we are seeing for YOUR business.

In addition, we will check what reviews are out there about your company.

Did you know that there are directories that are creating profiles for you and you need to claim them!

10 Facts You Never Knew about Local Directories:

·       Searches within local directories account for a whopping 10 billion of the searches that are made every month. (

·       At the end of 2014, YouTube overtook Facebook as the largest social networking site, with 165 million active users. At the same time, Facebook dropped to approximately 160 million active users. (CompetePRO)

·       At the end of 2014, Google+ Business had 540 million active users. (

·       Customers are 31% times more like to use a business with “excellent” online reviews. (

·       In 2015, 88% of users say that they treat positive reviews just as they would getting a personal recommendation from a friend or family member. That's up from 79% in 2014. (

·       Yelp currently has over 90 million local reviews. (

·       Despite that, there are still 87 per cent of small businesses that don't use review sites such as Google+ Business or Yelp. (

·       When online consumers shop online, 73 per cent of the time they were also searching for a store location. (

·       Half of the users looking for an online purchase do not start their search with a search engine, but rather through a local directory. (AT&T Small Business Technology Poll 2013 –

·       50 per cent of customers who look for a local business through their smartphone call or visit that business within 24 hours. (