Sunday, May 3, 2015

Our New Program: Sneak Peak . Small Business Marketing Success Strategies It is getting closer and closer that I release my new online program for small business owners.  What is exciting is that most online training programs are geared at Internet Marketers, but this program is designed specifically for small business owners &... Donna Lynn Price

Small Business Marketing Success Strategies

It is getting closer and closer that I release my new online program for small business owners.  What is exciting is that most online training programs are geared at Internet Marketers, but this program is designed specifically for small business owners -- offline business owners as well as online business owners.

Finally, after months the program has a NAME --> Entrepreneurs Marketing Center!!!

Do you love it? I do!! The focus and goal of the program is to provide a five step formula that any business can use to build a MILLION DOLLAR business! LeadGeneration_Design2_01I think that for many, many business owners -- that million dollar mark is a dream but doesn't even seem possible. What we are going to reveal to you is that it is possible!  YOU CAN DO THIS! But even more exciting is that we have focused it down to a five step formula. Yes a system.

Small Business Marketing Challenges Many!

The best part of having a system is that then your business is more consistent and reliable.  Consistent lead generation strategies that bring in new leads when you need them and want them... a formula for closing or converting those leads into customers.  Systems help your business to run smoothly! I am just finishing up the registration page for a launch webinar!  As soon as we have that done I will get it to you so that you can be on the webinar where I will give you critical information for your business and generating new revenue. Are you ready to build a Million Dollar Business? Be sure to jump on our VIP list -- register just over on the right. I will be letting all of those on our VIP list about the upcoming launch and totally free webinar that will give you access to my five step formula. You will see the small business marketing formula that has worked for thousands and can change your business from struggling to successful. Save the date!  April 14th at 1:00 PM.

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