Friday, December 27, 2013

Being Fair and Honest to Others

Winning Ways.... Fair, Honest, High Integrity Being fair and honest to others is actually known as the trait of showing integrity. This includes not deceiving people and being honest when asked for your opinion on a topic. Have you ever made excuses...

Do You Consider Yourself to be Compassionate?

Compassionate: Is That YOU? According to Wikipedia: Compassion is the feeling of empathy for others. Compassion is the emotion that we feel in response to the suffering of others that motivates a desire to help.[1][2] It can be difficult to...

Friday, December 6, 2013

Fun With Book Tour

The last few weeks have been great fun visiting blogs and radio shows around the country. I hope you have had a chance to listen or read some of the great blogs I have visited. Thank YOU to all of the wonderful blog hosts, show hosts, friends a...

Thursday, April 25, 2013



I have been recently been reading a great deal about gratitude.  I have kept gratitude journals, made thank you lists, looked at all that I have and said “Thank You”.  There are many things to be celebrated in life.  Even in tough times most of us can find something that we are grateful for.

In leadership it is also an important approach to success.  Thanking staff, recognizing staff is important.  Yet, many leaders find it challenging to say “Thanks”.  What stops us from stating our thank you’s?  Why do we hesitate?

Gratitude has a powerful effect on people.  It creates smiles.  Recipients of gratitude or thanks often feel better.  It gives them a boost, or good feeling inside.  In a work setting it can improve performance, increase company results.

In my recent book: “Coaching Staff for Success”, I talk about the value of being thankful and stating it with staff.  We have seen the power of gratitude for individuals and teams.

This month Send Out Cards has launched a Gratitude Challenge.  It’s simple… spend 30 days, sending cards to 30 different people — one card per day, a card of gratitude.  Now, anyone can take the Challenge — through Send Out Cards, or you could do it on your own.  I love Send Out Cards as it makes sending cards so easy for me.

The Challenge is going to be really interesting.  What happens when you intentionally say “Thank You” or express your gratitude to people?  How does it impact relationships, perceptions?  I will let you know as I embark on the Gratitude Challenge.  Join me and let me know how you do!

How does it change the workplace?

How does it change relationships with co-workers, friends, loved ones?

What can ONE card do?


Pick up one of Donna’s books:

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Big Bold Business Book Released!!

New Book Released!

Business Success Coach, Donna Price, owner of Compass Rose Consulting, LLC discusses “Leadership — Navigating Success” in the newly released book: “Jersey Women Mean Business! Big Bold BusinessTM Advice from New Jersey Women Business Owners: Practical Pointers, Solutions, and Strategies for Business Success“— a trailblazing business success book published by Woodpecker Press.

Just released on June 14th the book is a new entrepreneurial success blueprint featuring savvy, practical advice from 72 different voices; all seasoned businesswomen who have successfully started and grown diverse companies in different parts of the Garden State.

This rich book will include multiple chapters covering:
  • Finance
  • Legal Issues
  • Management
  • Marketing/PR
  • Personnel Development
  • Professional Development
  • Sales/Production
  • Work‐Life Balance
  • Technology

and much, much more, including the smart use of Social Media, great Sales Strategies, effective Time Management tips, the benefits of Blogging, and creative Customer Service.

The project is the brainchild of Joyce Restaino, a NJ-based writer and editor, and Donna R. Thompson, owner of Woodpecker Press. The two women—both independent, successful entrepreneurs in their own right—have been seeking a select group of talented experts out of approximately 63,000 New Jersey women business owners. The goal: to compile practical pointers and success tips, covering the most pressing issues and challenges facing fledgling and growth track women entrepreneurs.

“I am thrilled to be a part of this incredible resource, says Price, who specializes in the people dynamics of the work environment: leaders and teams across the country. I am delighted to be able to give back, to help other women business owners make smarter decisions and avoid some of the common pitfalls in leadership.”

Compass Rose Consulting, LLC based in Newton, NJ, provides business coaching/consulting and leadership development to small companies of 100 employees or less. The company has been in business since 2003 and serves small business owners, entrepreneurs, including East Coast Alternative Energy, MARS Information Systems, and Glenn Zervas Music Productions.

Keep up with the latest news on the Big Bold Business Book on Twitter @bigboldbusiness, or


Pick up one of Donna’s books:

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Gold, Silver, Bronze, Last: Olympics Reflection

Gold, Silver, Bronze, Last: Olympics Reflection

The Olympics have ended and athletes have returned home with medals, stories and memories.  We watched many, many hours of the Olympics and enjoyed seeing the many young athletes compete with true grace.  It was amazing to see the poise and sportsmanship that was demonstrated day after day.

I don’t think of myself as athletic, yet I’ve accomplished some incredible things.  I’ve cycled across the country, run a marathon and a half marathon and many shorter races, and kayaked, climbed… but never competitively.  At least not in my mind…I don’t think “athletic”.

We had many discussions throughout the Olympics about winning… Athletes that cried on the podium when they won Silver or Bronze because they wanted Gold.  And what of the athletes that didn’t make it to the podium?

The marathon I ran was the Warwick Marathon.  I had planned to run a half marathon that day and was using it as part of a training plan run.  I reached the 15 mile mark and kept going.  By the 18 mile mark there were people on the sidelines saying just 6 more miles, and my mind kicked in, saying — ‘you can do this, you can run the whole thing, you’re almost there’.  Well, 6 miles is far, it took alot of self talk and I finally crossed the finish line.  The crowds were gone, in fact most of the people were gone.  But I finished.  I was the last runner (walker) to cross the finish line.  The race folks cheered, they gave me a medal and now MANY years later, I still have that medal.   I could have felt bad. I came in last.  BUT, I know that I came in before all of the people that quit that day and there were many that didn’t finish.  I know that I have a medal that says I ran a marathon — that’s 26.2 miles and there are many people that have never and will never do that. I did.

Celebrating accomplishments is so important.  And it was sad to see OLYMPIANS crying when they accomplished SO much.  They are Olympians and most of us CANNOT say that!!  At our house, we think they should each receive a medal that says “Olympian 2012″ because that is an incredible accomplishment and a memory to treasure forever.  Everyone would walk around with medals and celebrate each other.  And yes, there would still be a few wearing Gold, or Silver or Bronze and we would still all celebrate their great performance.

I don’t know if I will ever run another marathon but I am glad that I did.  I know that I can accomplish great things and that I have a powerful mind that can overcome great obstacles.  There is learning in accomplishments.  I hope that each Olympian treasures their incredible accomplishment and celebrates it!


Pick up one of Donna’s books:

Monday, April 22, 2013

Summer Vacations — A Must for Business Success

Summer Vacations — A Must for Business Success

We have just returned from an adventurous summer vacation.  Challenges each day as we cycled the Erie Canal Trail in upstate New York with our daughters on tandem bikes with all of our gear.  The ride was fun, challenging and educational. The bikes were massive. We visited museums, National Parks, State Parks and historic sites.  We met new people and even dug for Herkimer Diamonds!!

Each day an adventure.  But what the real wisdom of the trip was turning off the technology, the computer.  For the first time in many years I totally disconnected from work and the Internet. No computer and despite the phone that we carried I didn't check email, or Facebook, or any other social media network.

This is one of those stories of the “do what I say, not what I do…”– I teach people everyday to take time and disconnect, but I hadn't mastered it myself.  Its one of the lessons in my own Bizology.Biz program.  A whole lesson on play.  I have developed leisure planning retreats and workshops. I KNOW this!!  But sometimes life lessons are elusive or have to be learned over and over again.

The learning for me personally that occurred was incredible.  I enjoyed being disconnected.  I felt relaxed, focused on our family and our time together rather than business, connections and all. 

My wisdom for the summer is to take that time, to really focus on your business when you are in it and then when you can disconnect (as often as possible) DO IT!! Disconnnect!

With Recreation as my background it makes sense to focus on play, recreation and personal development. Each are wise choices for entrepreneurs and business leaders.  As leaders we each need to be sure that we are giving our staff opportunities for personal time, personal playtime, recreation time and rejuvenation.  It ends up benefiting our businesses.

Be wise this summer. Make sure that you take time off, create playtimes and invest in yourself in this way.


Pick up one of Donna’s books:

Friday, April 19, 2013

Leadership Navigator Radio: Screaming Employees

Handling Screaming Employees

Do you have employees that are out and out fighting with each other at work?  Yelling, screaming, not getting along or perhaps has difficult relationships with their supervisor?

Conflicts in the workplace happen frequently and the fallout can be costly to the employer and the employee.  Developing the skills to resolve conflicts that arise can save your company significant money.  First let’s look at the costs:

  1. Decreased productivity due to the emotions involved in interpersonal conflict.
  2. time lost from work by employees
  3. time lost from work by managers involved in the conflict
  4. recruitment and training of new employees
  5. decreased productivity by other staff due to tension/stress and the overall work environment

The root of many conflicts is communication: either unclear communication, resulting in misunderstandings.  One strategy to address rising incidents of conflict is communication training.  Teaching people how to listen and how to talk clearly can prevent and decrease conflicts.  Communication is such a challenge.  So often, we feel we have been really clear, only to find out that the other person really misunderstood us.    Being a clear communicator takes commitment.  You need to be able to talk in a neutral sort of way, eliminating inflammatory emotions.  Speak from the heart and listen from the heart are good basic guidelines.  Beyond the basics, are to listen deeply to what the other person is saying and then to check-in with them.  Ask them: “is this what you are saying?”  It lets the person you are talking with know what you have understood and gives them the opportunity to clarify or correct misunderstandings.

What do you do when the conflicts have escalated?  Resolving conflicts are good for everyone involved, but sometimes it’s hard to see that in the moment for the people directly in conflict.  As mentioned earlier, conflict is costly.  Sometimes as the owner, or manager we forget that there is a great cost to us but also to the employee.  Changing jobs due to a conflict means a great deal of change for an employee.  They might not be able to get the same level of pay; benefits; shifts, etc that they are accustomed to.   The impact to the employee and their family can be high.

As the leader you can set-up an effective environment to resolve the dispute by following some simple steps and laying out a couple of guidelines.

First, spend time talking with each person involved.  Let them know that your belief is that developing a shared solution is important to each person and that you value each of the employees involved.  During the individual meetings you can begin to gather information about what they see as the possible solutions.  Let the employees know that your intent is to meet with each of them and then with them together, to talk about their perspective and possible solutions to the conflict.

Use a simple & effective process: 

1. Create a safe space for involved parties to talk. (private, neutral) 
2. Set out the guidelines:
  •        Only one person talks at a time
  •        No interruptions, defending or justifying
  •        Come in with an open mind, open to the possible solutions and be willing to compromise. 

3. Give each person an opportunity to tell their story, from their perspective.  Remind the other people involved that we are each listening, listening to each person’s perspective.  This is a key. 
4. Paraphrase the stories of each person. This ensures that each story has been understood.  Using phrases such as “What I am hearing you say is…. Is that right?”
5. After everyone has had an opportunity to tell their story, brainstorm possible solutions. Again, this isn’t a time to judge.  Whenever you are brainstorming you want all the ideas, good or bad, or out in left field.  One of them might be the idea that helps someone come up with the BEST solution.  
6. Identify the solutions that work for each party. Ifs important that the solution is agreeable to each party and the company.  In order for the agreed upon solution to work and be successful, you need buy in. 
7. Agree to do the solution.  The last step is the key to moving forward.

Some common pitfalls:

Don’t take sides. As the manager your interest is the company, the resolution of the conflict and each employee.

Don’t mandate a solution; you want the staff invested in the solution.

What do you do if staffs refuse to participate in conflict resolution?

            Offering staffs the opportunity to resolve conflict is a much better option than being disciplined, having supervisor mandated solutions or taking no action at all.  When staffs refuse to cooperate or participate, its time to talk with them about your company policies, their personal responsibility for their behavior and actions and your responsibility as the owner or manager to take actions based on their behavior.  The intent of this type of conversation isn’t to threaten disciplinary action, but to talk about the reality of the situation and the need to resolve it. Each individual makes choices, as supervisors our actions are based upon the behaviors and actions of the employee.  As the supervisor you are encouraging good choice making, but the reality is that some people will make a poor choice and choose to continue to act in ways that are not acceptable in your workplace.  In these situations you must then follow your organizations policies as outlined for your employees in the employee handbook.  Resolving the conflict and creating a good work environment for everyone is my first choice as the manager/supervisor/owner.

Conflicts in the workplace can be successfully resolved, by listening. Giving each person space to tell their story validates them and communicates to them their value to you and the organization.  Using the simple process outlined keeps you moving in a positive direction.

What are the challenges that you face at work?

Tune into to Leadership Navigator Radio!


Pick up one of Donna’s books:

Thursday, April 18, 2013

Attracting New Clients

Does Your Business Need NEW Leads;New Customers; New Clients?

Here are a few of our top tips from our upcoming Client Attraction System:

Top Strategies for Creating Referrals for Your Business

Dreaming big for your business means taking a big step from what you have been used to. Whatever business actions you do affect your products so make this significant turns successfully.

All business-minded individuals want the world to recognize their business. Therefore, they devise ways to promote their company – they market. But sometimes they choose marketing strategies which require a lot of money but give back less.

Though it is good to inform everyone about our business, not all of them are interested about it. Why should you waste time, when you just have to focus on particular groups? Your attention should center on those who are interested about your business and make them your own marketing assets.

You need to establish a good referral system. Here are some of the things you should consider:

1. Create a good impression. There is a popular saying which says first impressions last. Well this is basically true when it comes to business. Having a credible and reputable status in the business world will take you to unending success. Your expression and action towards your business affects it a lot. You should be able to carry out the things you are trying to build up in your business. Look professional and act professional.

2. Create a Powerful Web Presence. Your website can contribute a lot to the success of your business. You don’t have to construct a very expensive website. We love WordPress and can help you build one if you need help.  But wordpress is easy for YOU to update and use.  Just make sure that it can attract customers to you and you can be able to post information about you, your business and your products. Make sure that your websites has a professional and accommodating appeal.  A wordpress site includes a blog that can be more interactive.

 3. Cultivate rapport with your employees. This is also a good aspect for marketing. Creating a good relationship with your employees and within the company will provide a conducive business atmosphere. The professional relationship you build within your company will reflect the condition of your business, If you effectively do this, your employees will serve as your marketing agents. They will recommend your products and services to their friends, family and relatives. Deal with them kindly for they might be your key to success.

4. Be honest when it comes to price.  Provide your customers with the products and services that you offer with their appropriate charges. Inform your customers about the product and the methods of payment. Honestly list all the things they have to pay. Never get used to imposing hidden charges because this will ruin your reputation. Provide a price list for your customers. We work to over deliver and provide more value than expected.  You will see this in our Client Attraction System Training program. You can also see that in our coaching packages

 5. Promote personal referrals. The customers who benefited from your products and services will definitely recommend it to others. They might tell their friends, family or relatives about the satisfaction they got from your products and services. When this happens, it is good to give them some discounts or freebies from your company. This will further encourage personal recommendations from your clients. We have several referral strategies that are powerful.  Think about how YOU can help to facilitate these referrals from happening.

6. Use the media. The start of your business would be very important. It is necessary to have it featured or printed on magazines or newspapers. By doing this, you expose your business and you let people know that you are interested to serve them through your products and services.  Regular press releases and publicity is a great approach to staying in the lime light.

Keeping all these in mind will help your company become one of the fastest growing company that readily cater the customers’ needs.

Tired of Feeling Like Your Peers Have

Left You Behind?

 And you’re still making the same amount of money as back when you first started to pick up the odd client or two…

…then it’s time to re-invent success – and make it apply to you!

Here’s what you’ll learn in my FOUR Part Training: The Client Attraction System…

Module One: Client Strategy and Preparation
Module Two: Setting Up Your Systems
Module Three:  Getting Clients While You Sleep
Module Four:  Follow Up and Retention – The Forgotten Factor
Be sure to register….


Pick up one of Donna’s books:

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Time: Are You Wasting YOURS?

Time: Are You Wasting YOURS?

I believe that time is the most valuable resource that I have.  I treasure my time and the moments that are created with family, friends, business.. and I regret when time is wasted.

Like any resource, TIME has to be managed and monitored to ensure that it is not wasted away.  Perhaps even more so than other resources.  It is easy to just let time slip away.  There are so many distractions that we have in our lives these days: TV, video games, ipods, ipads, phones, technology, social media, email and the list goes on.  They each use up time quickly.  Rarely do I find myself on social media with total focus.  I typically get distracted at some point and go off to read a post that I didn’t intend, visit a group or get pulled into an ad.

Creating a time management strategy is important both personally and professionally.  As a business owner, I know that I have to manage my time in order to maximize my income, the value of my marketing time, and the return on investment.  Personally, I know that I have to use time wisely in order to fit everything in.

Planning effectively helps in managing your time resource.

I have put together a valuable special report that captures many important strategies for just that.

Learn more time management strategies, creative approaches to time in the report:

Creative Strategies for Time Management


Pick up one of Donna’s books:

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Kindle Book Marketing

BizologyBuzz Radio: Kindle Book Marketing

Great conversation earlier today with Adrienne Hew of  talking about marketing YOUR Kindle book.

Adrienne offered listeners great tools for maximizing their exposure.

Keep in mind:
  1. Amazon is a HUGE authority site with built in buyers.
  2. Kindle Publishing is easy and built for success
  3. Kindle gives you an option to give your book away through KDP program
  4. Shelfari is great for additional exposure
  5. another resource for promoting book.
  6. Author Profile on Amazon gives authors ability to upload video, post events, add blog posts and review books.
Listen to internet radio with BizologyBuzz on Blog Talk Radio

Let us know what your additional questions are?

What is your book topic?

Not sure you have a book?  Schedule a call with Donna to explore HOW you CAN become a published author!


Pick up one of Donna’s books:

Monday, April 15, 2013

Leadership Navigator Radio: Bullies at Work

Leadership Navigator Radio: Bullies at Work

Leadership Navigator Radio

Today we discussed bullies at work, whether they are staff members, managers or leaders themselves, the bullying behavior needs to be addressed.

Some of the steps recommended:
  1. Listen to staff that inform you of bullying
  2. Listen on the workfloor
  3. Observe
  4. Take Action
  5. Create a corrective action plan with the staff member
  6. Follow Up Regularly and Consistently.
Bullying cannot be tolerated in the workplace.  If you are the leader, you need to create strategies to address bullying behavior.


Pick up one of Donna’s books:

Friday, April 12, 2013

Creating Solid Strategies of Residual Income

Creating Solid Strategies of Residual Income

Creating Residual Streams of Revenue:

What is residual income?  It is income that comes into your business each month after you have made the sale or entered into a customer partnership.  You have done the work in the beginning and then because the product is a consumable product, the customer continues to buy the product or service, month after month, without continuous sales cycles.  We see this type of model in many services that we use in our homes — cable or satellite television services, phone services and in some of the consumable products we buy — food, cleaning etc.

But have you created such a revenue stream in your business?  It gives your company predictable and reliable income, month after month, while you are also developing new clients and customers.  Your renewing customers are laying a foundation of income in your business.

Many businesses think they have created that consistent revenue stream but in reality it can evaporate as quickly as it appeared, leaving the business floundering.
Strategies that Work for YOU!

Working with other companies can be one way to create additional streams of revenue into your business.  This is one of the strategies that I have implemented in my business.  I shop regularly for my family and business.  Now, I do some of that shopping through my own businesses.  It has become a strong revenue stream to bring other services and options into what I offer to clients and in building new clients.
I love watching people create new income and thrive in doing so… I love helping them do that through coaching and mentoring them…. and I love seeing the results in a changed lifestyle.

What are your dreams?  How are you making them happen for you and your family?
Take 5 minutes right now and write down your vision and dream.  Then read it every day.
If you aren’t realizing your dreams, then call me.  I have lots of resources, ideas and strategies for helping you to LIVE your dreams instead of daydreaming!
You can create a business that is thriving and viable even in the worst economy.  Ensure that your business has redundancy in revenue.  Don’t count on one stream of income.  Create multiple streams of income.  Integrate other resources that enhance your business and your life — and result in additional income.

As a business owner, you know that you are on a great path and that there is no turning back.  It’s like an addiction.  Once you have tasted business ownership it is hard to imagine going back to a J.O.B.! So make sure you are creating strategies that ensure your success.

Thursday, April 11, 2013

Creative Time Management Strategies

Creative Time Management Strategies

I believe that time is the most valuable resource that I have.  I treasure my time and the moments that are created with family, friends, business.. and I regret when time is wasted.

Like any resource, TIME has to be managed and monitored to ensure that it is not wasted away.  Perhaps even more so than other resources.  It is easy to just let time slip away.  There are so many distractions that we have in our lives these days: TV, video games, ipods, ipads, phones, technology, social media, email and the list goes on.  They each use up time quickly.  Rarely do I find myself on social media with total focus.  I typically get distracted at some point and go off to read a post that I didn't intend, visit a group or get pulled into an ad.

Creating a time management strategy is important both personally and professionally.  As a business owner, I know that I have to manage my time in order to maximize my income, the value of my marketing time, and the return on investment.  Personally, I know that I have to use time wisely in order to fit everything in.  
Planning effectively helps in managing your time resource.  

I have put together a valuable special report that captures many important strategies for just that.
Learn more time managment strategies, creative approaches to time in the report:


Pick up one of Donna’s books:

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Growing the Seeds of Your Business: Nurturing the Blossoms

Growing the Seeds of Your Business: Nurturing the Blossoms

Growing a business takes time and commitment and for most it means new clients/customers.  New clients or customers, means obtaining new contacts or new leads. There are many ways to develop new business leads.  As you obtain a lead or prospect they need to be nurtured.  Leads or prospects can come from your own networking, referrals from current clients/customers, advertising, workshops and presentations; Business Expo’s or trade shows, to name just a few sources.

One of the biggest mistakes that business owners make is to get leads and then drop them. Business cards are collected and then nothing is done with them. They go into a drawer or even worse — the garbage. Valuable time is spent networking or doing a presentation or standing at your booth at a business expo and then if there is no follow-up it was almost a total waste.  I have done this myself, but not anymore.  It is not worth my time or money if I am not going to follow up. I have also witnessed and experienced the lack of follow up over and over again with other business owners. I have attended many networking meetings and Business Expo’s/trade shows and given my business card to each business there. I typically only receive one or two follow up notes or calls, tops! I remember making follow up calls to people after an event and receiving great feedback from them that I had called.  One person said she was going to refer to me just because I had followed up with her and that I was the only person that had called from the event. Certainly there is still benefit to you in building relationships and getting exposure for your business but if you want to accelerate the response you want to do good follow-up.

There are many ways you can nurture the relationships that are just being formed.  Like a seed planted, you need to water the seed, fertilize the seed. Send a personal note following your first meeting. A handwritten note with no sales pitch, just “nice to meet you” is memorable and will gain you recognition. Share an article, a tip sheet as a second follow-up.  No matter what your business you can develop a tip sheet.  The top ten tips for…. This can become invaluable to you as a tool for sharing with your prospects.  It helps to build the relationship and build you as an expert in your field.  For people to trust your service they need to see that you know your business.  Articles, special reports, tip sheets can all help you to do this. Continue to follow up with additional articles and information sheets.  Even a relevant article that you see in a magazine or newspaper is thoughtful and demonstrates your interest and knowledge of the prospect.

Follow up is a relationship building step it is not a sales call.  You aren’t there yet with this new prospect.  First you need to find out more about them and offer them value through your resources, articles, and reports.

Anther excellent tool for staying in touch with a potential client is through a newsletter.  My preference is an E-Zine or email newsletter.  The cost is minimal the work to get the newsletter out is also relatively easy.  The choice of course is yours and could depend upon your  clientele.  If your clients are a group that is not on the internet, using email, then an email newsletter is certainly not going to work.  Print newsletters are more typically fee based and not free due to the high costs.  A newsletter gives you a regular way of staying “in front” of your prospect.  The newsletter continues to build your expertise, both essential keys in building your relationship.

Keeping in touch is like watering the garden.  The relationship starts to grow.  But how do you get to the bloom?  Or how do you convert the prospect into a client? First, you want to have many seeds in your garden, but the right kinds of seeds.  Having a prospect list of people that don’t need or use your service is like planting the wrong seeds.  They aren’t going to grow because they needed a different type of soil.  Having many of the right seeds means that you can have different plants blooming at different times.  Just like any garden some plants are ready to harvest in the late summer, some in the late fall.
Getting to the bloom is by continuing to offer them good service and good information that is relevant to their needs and their business.  You are able to do this because as you have gotten to know them you have focused on learning about their business, their needs and challenges.  This gives you the ability to provide them with resources that fulfill that need or challenge. As you build the relationship you can then offer a special discount, a new client discount, some enticing offer to bring the prospect in your door. You know that once you are serving a client that your service is good and they will continue to be clients.

The other gardening you need to do is to nurture your current client relationships.  One very effective strategy is using a discount card similar to the cards that many other businesses use.  Discount cards give the customer a discount or free service after they buy a certain number of times or items.  I have a couple for coffee houses, buy 10 cups of coffee and receive one free and one for a book store.  They work for big companies like Starbucks and Borders Books and they also work for small companies.  The reason we see these programs all over the place is that they work.

A second important nurturing approach for current clients is to offer a referral program.  This type of program asks clients for referrals and rewards them when they give a referral.  You can design the program however you like.  One colleague that I know creates referral maps so that she knows where each of her clients came from, who referred them, who they referred, etc.  One client could result in many clients.  That’s why customer service is so important.  The referral program concept is a thank you for clients sharing your service with friends and colleagues.  One strategy is a thank you card and gift certificate for dinner.  The “thank you” depends upon the amount of profit.  For some businesses a referral could result in large amounts of income, thousands of dollars. In this case, the “thank you” is bigger.  For other businesses the profit is smaller and the “thank you” is smaller:  perhaps a gift certificate for a cafĂ© or coffee house.  It can also be a discount on your services.  Refer a friend and receive $10 off your next visit.  Refer 10 friends and receive a free service.  Be creative, but remember to say thank you.

These are two strategies for growing your business:  nurturing your relationships both the existing relationships and the new ones.  Build your business with your excellence in service through referrals and incentives.  Establish a database or tracking system, to know where your clients are coming from and what is working and what is not.  Spend time and energy in places where it is working.  Focus on it and build upon it.  Try new strategies, evaluate them and keep the ones that work and that are fun.  Even if you dislike marketing and business building make it a game.


Pick up one of Donna’s books:

Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Leadership Fails Students in Rutgers Basketball Coach Bullying Incident

Rutgers Basketball Coach Incident
Bullying Within Schools and Workplaces Is Just NOT Tolerable

Leadership Fails Rutgers Students

Leaders Fail to Take Strong Action At Rutgers University

Coaching Staff for 
Success Author 
takes position on 
Rutgers Basketball 
Coach bullying incident
The video released by ESPN displaying the behavior of the Rutgers Basketball Coach demonstrate a total failure of the University Athletic Director and University Leadership to protect students from bullying on the part of staff.  Bullying goes beyond student to student interactions.  When students are bullied by teachers, coaches or leaders, action must be clear and strong.  The University leadership failed in several aspects.  Business leaders can learn valuable lessons from their failings that translate to the workplace as bullies continue to work in leadership positions throughout organizations worldwide.

One question is whether any student or assistant coach or other staff member ever raised concerns previously regarding the actions of this coach.  It would be surprising that the recent video was the first time this behavior was recognized as inappropriate and abusive, further exacerbating the situation.

Organizations should have strong policies for incident management and review.  Leadership needs to evaluate bullying situations quickly and swiftly and include their incident review system. Public relations can impact outcomes but should it dictate the outcome?  The organization policies need to address managing public relations but the organizations policies should be strong and values driven. The actions of the Rutgers Basketball Coach are not a demonstration of acceptable coaching practices, they are abusive, bullying actions that should not be tolerated in a University environment or work environment.

Bullying falls into harassment policy within an organization but need to go beyond employees to include clients or customers, vendors and others.  The Rutgers University Basketball Coach incident would be kin to clients or customers being bullied.  How would you, as the leader, handle an employee that was bullying your clients? Does your organization include bullying in your policies at all?  Is training provided within your harassment policy training?  Are you assuming because you are in a workplace that bullying does not happen that it is just a childhood phenomenon?

As a manager and leader you should be reacting strongly to this incident and reviewing your own policies.  Within my work experience, I worked with staff that worked directly with our clients; people with disabilities; this behavior would be viewed and handled as client abuse.  The person would be on immediate suspension pending an investigation.  The investigation would then become part of the incident report and the review committee would be involved in determining the disciplinary action.  There could also be legal action. Founded cases of client abuse would result in immediate termination.  It is not tolerable.  Why a University would continue to employ a coach that physically abused his players (students of the University) is unbelievable.

Leaders and staff within organizations need training on bullying and the policies of the organization for dealing with situations that involve bullying of clients (students), staff or others.  Bullying  of anyone connected to the organization should not be tolerated.

The Rutgers case is a public relations nightmare for the University but taking right action at the beginning would have prevented the severe backlash they are now experiencing including strong statements by NJ Governor Christie.  A strong incident management policy and review would have prevented this.  When decisions are left to individuals outside of policy it leaves organizations vulnerable.  Every incident management policy should include a category for sensitive situations.  These are defined any situation that has potential ramifications to the organization.
Take action for your company:
  • Review your incident management policy be sure that it includes a category for sensitive situations.
  • Review your harassment or bullying policies
  • Train your leaders and staff on your policies
  • Manage any incidents that arise quickly and ethically

 What Level of Bullying Does Your Organization Tolerate?

Bullying with organizations cannot be tolerated by leaders and especially cannot be the action on part of leaders.  When bullying occurs, the organization leadership must take strong action that is consistent whether or not the media is involved.  Media backlash should not be a result of inaction.  When you have a strong policy that deals effectively with incidents occur there is less room for a media reaction because you have gotten in front of the incident, dealt with it and your actions followed good policy.

In a state where bullying has been a public issue that has resulted in the strongest anti-bullying laws in the country, Rutgers failed to follow good management practice.


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