Monday, April 25, 2016

How To Write A Blog Post Compass Rose Consulting The Anatomy of a Good Blog Post Blogging is a key element in marketing, it is the HUB. When you create a blog you can show case YOU. But you can also syndicate your content to other platforms such as your social media platforms: LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Tumblr etc. Knowing HOW to wri...

The Anatomy of a Good Blog Post

Blogging is a key element in marketing, it is the HUB.

When you create a blog you can show case YOU. But you can also syndicate your content to other platforms such as your social media platforms: LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Tumblr etc. Knowing HOW to write a blog post is key.

How to write a great blog post

Many business owners fear blogging. You don't need to because you have a lot to say! Your knowledge and expertise is what you blog about.

Follow the blog post guide step by step to put together your first blog post and get your blog started.

Headline-- attention grabbing-- here is where you INTERRUPT. You need to get your readers attention.

Picture-- you need to have a picture. People are more likely to read your blog and your syndicated posts if you have a picture. A great resource for pictures is: Dollar Photo Club You need to be sure that you can legally use the picture that you choose.

Intrigue-- why do they want to spend time with you reading your post. Will they get what they need from it?

Compelling Content-- this is where you get into the meat of the topic! There are different styles of blog posts or articles. Most folks will not spend a great deal of time reading a long rambling blog post.

Wrap Up and Call to Action-- no you're not in writing class but a quick wrap up is a good idea. It can wrap or be a brief summary up paragraph. It is also great to have a call to action at the end. The call to action is not a sales pitch. Mix it up-- download my special report, leave your comments below, ask a question, schedule a laser coaching session, get my tips on XYZ ...

Engage-- reply to all comments both on your blog and social media. Thank people for commenting, answer questions etc. Add plugins to your blog that improve your social engagement-- allow people to share your content, add related posts etc. Plugins can add all sorts of functionality to your blog.

It is where you send people back to from your social media to get more info or to read the entire blog article. Your blog is where the real meat is. You can share YOU, your expertise and your personality right there on your blog.
Not sure how to get going: Schedule a 10 minute laser coaching session to review and I will give you the quick start challenge to get you going!!

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