Friday, February 5, 2016

Landing Page Compass Rose Consulting Now, You Can Have A Landing Page & Your Own Report -- DONE -FOR-YOU! A landing page gives you a place to send your traffic. It has a purpose and its purpose is to capture leads. That is typically done by offering something of value to the prospect. That can be a special report, tip ...

Now, You Can Have A Landing Page & Your Own Report -- DONE -FOR-YOU!

landing page strategy A landing page gives you a place to send your traffic. It has a purpose and its purpose is to capture leads. That is typically done by offering something of value to the prospect. That can be a special report, tip sheet, white paper, checklist, video series or other value piece of content.

The goal of that report or content is to lead the prospect back to you!

And the other goal is of course, their contact information.

NOW, you can continue to market to them.

You can continue to build your credibility and rapport, your expertise as the go to person for your industry.

landing page strategyWe have pre-written reports that can be customized to you and your brand. We have landing pages that include a video that encourages the person to pick up your report.

We integrate the optin with your email marketing program -- Aweber, Get Response, Mail Chimp, etc.

We also load into your auto-responder a sequence of 5 emails. Thank you emails and then four additional emails that continue to build rapport for you.

You can customize any of these emails and of course, they will each have your ecover-largeprofessional signature.

Landing pages allow you to have calls to action. When your call to action is just -- CALL ME -- you are asking your prospect too much. Most people are not ready to call you. They are researching. They want more information.

The landing page gives them that.

Ad -->>> Landing Page -->>> Auto-Responder -->>>Thank You Page with Download Link -->> Ability to continue marketing and entering into a relationship with the prospect.

Now you are marketing your business more effectively.

It is part of a bigger strategy but its not just a HOPE.
Let's look at a quick example. Let's say that you run an advertisement in your local paper. The distribution is 20,000 and you receive 2 calls. The value of your client for one year is $1000. So, you have perhaps covered your cost of the one ad because you had two calls and one person became a client for $1000. If you do this every month at the end of the year you have increased your income by $12,000 minus the cost of the ad, at least $500 per month or $6,000 for the year. A net profit of $6,000. But what if, instead of just "call me" as your call to action you also led people to your special report on your website. Conservatively, we will estimate 5% go to the site, that's 1000 people that have looked at your site and let's stay ultra conservative and estimate that again 5% take you up on your offer of XYZ,,..That is now 50 people that have opted in, times 12 months is 600 new leads vs 24 new leads with the call. AND you are still receiving those 2 calls. Taking it one step farther, staying with 5% let's say that number become you have 30 new customers for the year, totaling $30,000 minus our $6,000 cost results in an additional $24,000. WOW. That is 4 times the profit of no call to action. Could you benefit from that type of strategy?

The Landing Page strategy has been around for years now and they continue to be used because they work. But, most, yes most Offline businesses miss the opportunity and fail to use a landing page strategy.

We build landing pages for you using Wordpress. We can add one to your existing domain or you can purchase a special domain just for traffic.

Order YOUR Landing Page Package today:

[wp_eStore_buy_now_fancy id=38]

We are building landing pages for many, many industries including, but not limited to:

  • Attorney

  • Day Care

  • Dentist

  • Painter

  • Remodeler

  • Massage Therapists

  • Yoga Studio

  • Real Estate Agent

  • Real Estate Broker

  • Bookkeeper

  • Personal Trainer

  • Plumber

  • Limo Service

  • Private School

  • Travel Agent

  • Vet

  • Funeral Home

  • Air Duct Cleaning

  • Electrician

  • Landscaper

  • Home Builder

  • ......

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