Wednesday, February 3, 2016

Why Mastermind? Why Join a Bootcamp? Compass Rose Consulting What is in a Boot Camp or a Mastermind that helps your business? As a CEO or business owner, training, personal development are both important to your success. Many small business owners try to go it alone, and in that process they miss critical pieces that could have accelerated their success. Th...

What is in a Boot Camp or a Mastermind that helps your business?

As a CEO or business owner, training, personal development are both important to your success. Many small business owners try to go it alone, and in that process they miss critical pieces that could have accelerated their success. The input of other people, the ideas, the skills and the resources that are gained from collaborating, masterminding or consulting with other people is what's truly valuable in a mastermind or bootcamp.

It starts with an expert facilitator, someone that has a great deal of expertise in business and marketing. They can bring together a group of business owners, even if they are all struggling, the group combined with expertise will provide you with much needed inspiration, personal growth and information. When all of these combine, it is amazing what results you can generate. It is not just information that we each need. Yes, there is learning and personal growth to do. But there is also the need for rejuvenation, inspiration and motivation that keep the whole thing moving forward. Business can be tiring. When you are working, working, working you fail to take that step back and really LOOK at the business and see what is happening. You are to deep IN the business.

The mastermind or consultant or both, brings fresh eyes onto the scene that can help you see your business from a new perspective.

businessmastermindMasterminding is in my opinion, one of the most valuable things you can do. It is the coming together of a group of people to share, listen, learn and grow together. Often there is an accountability piece that keeps you on track and honest. (Why can't we do that for ourselves?) Suddenly the things you had been reaching for over and over again are happening. But it also brings together years and years of expertise that can shift you and your business. The ideas that get shared, the input, and feedback and even questions all contribute to you being more successful.

Bootcamp is when you dive deep into a topic and really wrestle with it and master it. For many business owners, marketing is what they need to wrestle with. Its something that they don't do well. They try but it just doesn't happen. Marketing is that thing that you found out you have to do but you didn't really want to do. You went bootsinto business because you loved your craft whether it be massage or lawyering or retail or chiropractics or dentistry or.... and you believed that "if you build it they will come". And they didn't. Then you had to figure out the marketing puzzle. Suddenly you are in over your head but you are already all in. You have to figure it out. Bootcamp helps you to do that.

Add consulting into the mix and you have an incredible opportunity. Expert consulting gives you that personalized one on one for your business with a marketing expert that can either help you figure out what to do or can do it for you!!

When you find all of these together it is a powerful combination. The last key to figuring out if it is the right program for you is simply talking to the facilitator.

  • Are they somebody you can listen to?

  • Do they have the expertise that you need?

  • Is the program affordable for you? A stretch is ok because that can be motivating. Too much -- going in the hole is not okay. So make sure its a good fit.

2016 is starting off to be a great year. Make sure that you are setting yourself up for the best success you can have!!

And of course, be sure to check out our Marketing Bootcamp and Mastermind!

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